To illustrate the pronunciation of the Latvian sounds an
approximate English equivalent sound is given in the right
hand column. The scope of this book makes it impossible to
give charts with precise description of the position of the
organs of speech in every instance.

PrintedWritten  Example  Approximate Pronunciation 
A a  galds (table)  u in but (open like French 'la') 
Â â  mâja (house)  a in ca
B b  balts (white)  b in cab, bad 
C c  citi (others)  ts in cats 
È è  èetri ( four)  ch in chain, much 
Ch ch  ðachs (chess)  ch in Scottish 'loch' 
D d  diena (day)  d in date, bad 
Dz dz  dzert (to drink)  ds in buds 
Dþ dþ  dai (thistles)  j in job or g in ginger 
E e  te (here)  ( 1 ) e in pet, bet(closed -e-) 
  e smu (I am)  ( 2 ) a in patch, ba
Ç ç  çst (to eat)  ( 1 ) a in baby (long closed) 
  tçvs (father)  ( 2 ) a in bare or ea in bear (long open -e-) 
F f  fizika (physics)  f in fun, off 
G g  galds (table)  g in give, beg 
Ì ì  ìimene ( family)  d in due, dew 
H h  Holande (Holland)  h in half 
I i  silts (warm)  i in mitten 
Î î  îsts (true)  ee in meet or ea in meat 
J j  jûs (you)  y in yes, year 
K k  kâja (leg)  k in kitten or c in cat 
Í í  kaíis (cat)  qu in queue or t in 
L l  labs (good)  l in look, small 
Ï ï  ïaudis (people)  l in lewd 
M m  mâte (mother)  m in milk, ham 
N n  nazis (knife)  n in nut, can 
Ò ò  òemt (to take)   n in new 
O o  ola (egg)  ( I ) wa in wallet 
  politika (politics)  (2) o in politics 
  opera (opera)   (3) o (long) in opera 
P p  putns (bird)   p in pen, stop 
R r  roka (arm)  r in rat (rolled and 
    always pronounced) 
ª º  kaºð (war)  rh in rheumatic 
S s  seja (face)  s in sit, dress 
Ð ð  ðeit (here)  sh in ship, cash 
T t  tur (there)  t in tap, cat 
U u  uguns (fire)  oo in boo
Û û  ûdens (water)  oo (long) in boo
V v  visi (all)  v in van, invite 
Z z  zeme (earth)  z in zebra 
Þ þ  daþi (several)  s in pleasure 


ai  bailes (fear)  y in my 
au   jauks (fine)  ow in how 
ei  meita (daughter)  ey in prey 
ie  iet (to go)  ea in ea
ui  puika (boy)   like French 'oui' 
oi  boikots (boycott)  oy in boy 

Latvian, Terçza Budiòa Lazdiòa, 1966