The present participle passive is formed by adding -s to the first person plural form of the present tense. Therefore it ends with -āms for first and second group verbs of third conjugation and with -ams in other cases. Mostly the participle is used as adjective and has the same declension rules as adjectives.

The present participle passive has a shortened indeclinable form where the flectional -s is lost. Participles in -am, ām has reflexive forms with -amies, -āmies.


Indefinite declension

  Masc., sing.  Fem., sing.  Masc., plur.  Fem., plur. 
Nominative  redzam-s  redzam-a  redzam-i  redzam-as 
Genitive  redzam-a  redzam-as  redzam-u  redzam-u 
Dative  redzam-am  redzam-ai  redzam-iem  redzam-ām 
Accusative  redzam-u  redzam-u  redzam-us  redzam-ās 
Locative  redzam-ā  redzam-ā  redzam-os  redzam-ās 

Definite declension

  Masc., sing.  Fem., sing.  Masc., plur.  Fem., plur. 
Nominative  redzam-ais  redzam-ā  redzam-ie  redzam-ās 
Genitive  redzam-ā  redzam-ās  redzam-o  redzam-o 
Dative  redzam-ajam  redzam-ajai  redzam-ajiem  redzam-ajām 
Accusative  redzam-o  redzam-o  redzam-os  redzam-ās 
Locative  redzam-ājā  redzam-ajā  redzam-ajos  redzam-ajās 

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