Architectural Heritage of Riga from 17 - 18 century

../VecR05/a10.jpg Complex of Houses. 7, 9, 11 Audeju Str.
Apartment House. 7 Audeju Str.
Apartment House. 9 Audeju Str.
14, 18, 22, 26 Jauniela Str.
Jacob Barracks
45 Kaleju Str.
17, 19 Klostera Str.
Complex of Buildings in the Courtyard of the Holy Spirit's Convent
19 Marstalu Str.
Complex of Peter-Paul Church
Complex of Reformed Church and Surrounding Buildings
Reitern House
Complex of Catholic Church of "Our Lady of Sorrows"
6 Teatra Str.
4, 6, 8 Skarnu Str.

Finansed by:
Department of Culture
of the Council of Riga
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
of the University of Latvia